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“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” -Aristotle
Registered Programs

During July and August we will have two hour programs for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6. These programs will be composed of weekly themes that fit into this years overall theme "Feed your Passions." The programs will be made up of an assortment of stories, crafts, games, outdoor activities and weekly reading challenges. These programs have no cost, and although we will need each child to be registered, children will be allowed to attend as many programs throughout the summer as they wish! Going on a holiday? No problem, you do not need to come to every week. This year our registered programs will be held on Wednesday morning and afternoon, and Thursday morning. We will also be holding one program at the Bluffton Hall on Tuesday afternoons. For further detail please see attached registration form.




Drop-In Programs​

At the library we always have something going on! If you do not want to take part in a registered program you have more options! We have drop in programs that run on days where we do not have our regular Summer Reading Club. They are one hour programs that consist of crafts, science experiments and games. Starting in July we will have Monday Mayhem at 2pm, Crafternoon on Tuesdays at 2pm and Freaky Fridays at 2pm. Also on Saturdays we will be at the Market in the Park with crafts and activities for all children in attendance, following with Boredom Busters back at the Library at 2pm.

Thursday Movie Nights​

On Thursday evenings we are open late and in July and August we have a new movie every single Thursday night! We have popcorn and pop for sale for a dollar each! Some of the movies we show may not even be out on DVD yet! Check our movie schedule and I am sure there will be at least one that catches your eye!

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